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Berlin is an evolution of Fresco aimed at creating a CORBA-based scene-graph server as an alternate to X Windows.
Fresco is an evolution of InterViews that unifies graphic and widget objects and adds a CORBA interface.
InterViews is a native C++ toolkit for Xlib. Unidraw is a framework built on top of it for custom direct manipulation graphical editors.
ivtools is an evolution of InterViews and Unidraw that adds layers for scripting, multi-frame, and graph-editing.
Jazz is a 2d graphics toolkit for Java
JHotDraw is a GPL'ed Java clone of HotDraw originated by Erich Gamma.
pingo is an object-oriented framework for 2d graphics in Python
Sketch is a graphics editor written mostly in Python that could be used as a framework as well.
WINTERP is a scriptable Motif widget for 2d graphics.