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Vector Graphic Libraries

Vector graphic libraries support the rendering of graphic primitives without being a complete framework themselves.

Dia Canvas

Dia Canvas is a library for constructing custom graphical editors derived from the Dia application. Dia Canvas 1 is the original from Dia. Dia Canvas 2 is based on the Gnome Canvas (and libart).


g2 is a portable device independent graphics library.


libart is the anti-aliased rendering library for the GNOME canvas.


libplot is the library portion of plotutils.

piddle (sping)

piddle (developers distribution already renamed sping) is a graphics library for python.

Vector Anti-Grain Geometry

vector-agg is a platform-independent library for rendering anti-aliased alpha-transparent vector graphics


XFree86 (X Windows) contains the Xlib library, which among other things, is a graphics library too.


C++ graphics library.

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